Whitening toothpastes, like all other toothpastes, contain mild abrasives to remove surface stains, and can have additional polishing agents and chemicals that are more effective against stains than regular toothpastes. While whitening toothpastes can make teeth appear lighter by removing stains, they do not actually whiten teeth.
Inflamed gums will bleed more easily. If you haven't had a check up and clean lately then you may have some plaque or tartar around your teeth that requires attention. There are many causes for bleeding gums, most can usually be treated with something as simple as a check-up and clean. Bleeding gums should always be checked by a dentist.
Most dental procedures are fine to have during pregnancy and while breast-feeding. If the procedures are elective then some may be best delayed until after the pregnancy. At Fabdental we are very conscious of what materials we use and what treatments we perform, and will only do what is necessary when patients are pregnant or breast-feeding. Learn more about pregnancy and dental health in our Fabdental newsletter below or ask one of our friendly staff.
There are many ways to replace a missing tooth or teeth. The most popular are implants, fixed bridges, or removeable dentures/false teeth. Let the team at Fabdental get you smiling - ask us about your options today!
There are several ways we can help with this. The best thing to do is discuss it with your dentist, as the recommended treatment varies depending on a variety factors. We suggest you give us a call and discuss your different options with one of our expert dental team.
Yes we are a preferred provider for a number of the major health funds including Medibank Private, BUPA, HCF, and CBHS. If you’re health fund isn’t mentioned here, don’t worry – we do accept all other health funds.
With many young families making Fabdental their preferred dental practice we are up-to-date with all the current research surrounding pregnancy and breast-feeding ladies and dental treatment. We have made all our products safe and most treatments are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We would advise you continue your check-ups (as during these stages you can be more susceptible to certain issues in the mouth) and if further treatment is advised discuss this with our dentists.
We have the most caring dentists around! We work with you to provide any treatment required. For those who are very nervous (understandably so!) we can provide a number of options to make the experience as easy as possible. Simply mention your concerns to our team when you call to make a booking.