Ladies are you pregnant? |
Do you suspect that you are in a high risk category for HIV or AIDS? |
Do you require antibiotic cover before dental treatment? |
Were you happy with the treatment and care you received at your last dental visit? |
If you could change the appearance of your smile, what would you change? (please tick)
Have you ever suffered any jaw pain? |
Do you have concerns about losing your teeth? |
Do you have any missing teeth? |
Have your wisdom teeth come through? |
Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? |
Do you wear dentures? |
Have you ever had any Crowns, Bridges, Veneers or dental implants placed? |
Do you have dental pain or a dental problem at present? |
Do you become anxious or uncomfortable when you are having dental treatment? |
Do you brush and floss daily? |
Is there anything with appearance of your teeth that you are not happy with? |
Do you grind your teeth? |
Do your gums bleed regularly? |
Is there anything else you would like the dentist to know? |
Do you give permission for Fab Dental to share your information with your immediate family? |
Are you a smoker? |